Hunter New England LHD Workshop: Exercise to Prevent Falls in Older People

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5 APRIL 2025

Registration details: register via Humanitix


A comprehensive workshop providing you with the practical skills to develop evidence-based fall prevention strategies.

Who is this course for?

For Health Professionals working with older people. This workshop will help you tailor exercise programs for falls prevention.

Workshop Schedule

6 online learning modules completed through our online learning platform. To be completed prior to the practical session.
A 3hr face-to-face practical session including fall risk screening, case study discussions, exercise demonstrations and an opportunity to develop and present an exercise class.

About this course

This continuing education program will equip Health Professionals with important information to guide the provision of appropriate falls prevention physical activity and exercise programs for older people. Topics to be covered include the social and economic issues of falls, risk factors for falls, physiological consequences of ageing, biomechanical and physiological principles of balance, and effective falls prevention strategies.

In undertaking the program, participants will be trained to develop safe and efficacious community exercise programs for older adults that are designed in a manner to maximise uptake and adherence of those populations who stand to most benefit from exercise. Through structured learning tasks across a number of different learning formats, participants will acquire the knowledge and ability to identify, develop, demonstrate and implement evidence-based exercise interventions designed to enhance physical and functional capacity and prevent falls and fall related injury.

This workshop includes:

  • An overview of the issue of falls in older people
  • Understanding balance and ageing
  • Evidence-based fall prevention interventions
  • Developing fall prevention programs

Ticket cost

$120 including tax. Places are limited.

For further information contact Steven Phu:


To be confirmed


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