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The NSW Fall Prevention & Healthy Ageing Network Annual Forum provides a fantastic opportunity to come together and learn about the latest on fall prevention and healthy ageing. Listen to experts in their field provide an overview of the latest research, advocacy, quality improvement and fall prevention in residential aged care and hospital, and community program initiatives.

This forum also provides a fabulous opportunity to network, exchanges ideas and learn from each other.



Opening Session: Welcome to Country – Aunty Joan Bell and Opening Address – Dr John Ward


Plenary session 1: Pam Albany Lecture. Prof Anne Tiedemann – Physical Activity for Healthy Ageing and Fall Prevention: Translating Evidence into Action

Presentation slides


Plenary session 1: Prof Frances Batchelor – Rethinking Our Approach to Healthy Ageing


Plenary Session 1: LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD – Ms Lorraine Lovitt


Plenary Session: 2 Prof Stephen Lord – Compiling the evidence base: 30yrs of research in falls

Presentation slides


Plenary Session 2: Prof Lisa Keay and Ms Kerrie Martin – Cataract surgery policy changes

Presentation slides


Plenary Session 2: Emeritus Prof Lindy Clemson – OT fall prevention reduces falls by 38% – new evidence from Cochrane Systematic Review


Plenary Session 2: Prof Kim Delbaere – “The rising cost of falls, why investing in prevention can’t wait” – A Call to Action

Presentation slides


Plenary Session 2: Translating Research into Practice Discussion Panel – Facilitated by Dr Morag Taylor

Panel: Ms Amanda Bates, Prof Kim Delbaere, Dr Jennie Hewitt, Prof Stephen Lord, Ms Lorraine Lovitt, Ms Deborah Moore


Community Exercise – Smith Room




Aged Care – The Lyceum






Hospital Care – Wesley Theatre





Early Career Research Updates


To come: Slides + presentation abstracts.



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