NSW Fall Prevention and Healthy Ageing Network Annual Forum 2024

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Save the date for #FallsForum25 – Friday, 2nd May 2024

The NSW Fall Prevention & Healthy Ageing Network Annual Forum provides a fantastic opportunity to come together and learn about the latest on fall prevention and healthy ageing. Listen to experts in their field provide an overview of the latest research, advocacy, quality improvement and fall prevention in residential aged care and hospital, and community program initiatives.

This forum also provides a fabulous opportunity to network, exchange ideas and learn from each other.


Morning Sessions

Opening Address

Professor Jacqueline Close, Geriatrician – Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney and Clinical Director of the Falls, Balance and Injury Research Centre, NeuRA


Questions and Answers from slido:

Preventing falls in community dwelling populations: new approaches

Professor Sallie Lamb, Department of Public Health and Sports Science, Exeter Medical School, University of Exeter


2024 Australian Fall Prevention Guidelines – TO BE UPLOADED PENDING RELEASE OF GUIDELINES

Dr Jasmine Menant, Senior Research Scientist, Falls, Balance and Injury Research Centre, NeuRA


Pam Albany Guest Lecture: Feet, footwear, and falls in older people

Professor Hylton Menz, School of Allied Health, Human Services and Sport, La Trobe University


Improving food quality reduces falls and fractures in older adults in aged care

Dr Sandra Iuliano, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne


Falls prevention in people with Parkinson’s disease

Assoc/Professor Natalie Allen, Senior Lecturer, Program Director, The University of Sydney


Afternoon Sessions

Hospital Care – time stamps for specific talks available in video description when viewing in Youtube


Community – time stamps for specific talks in available video description when viewing in Youtube


Aged Care – time stamps for specific talks in available video description when viewing in Youtube


Research Update and Panel Discussion – time stamps available in video description when viewing in Youtube

Professor Cathie Sherrington, Senior Principal Research Fellow, NHMRC Leadership Fellow, The University of Sydney


Plenary Presenter Slides

Prof Sallie Lamb

Prof Jasmine Menant – to be uploaded upon release of guidelines

Prof Hylton Menz

Dr Sandra Iuliano

A/Prof Natalie Allen

Prof Cathie Sherrington




To revisit the 2023 Annual Forum, click here.

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